[OL 2003] In some HTML E-Mails, links don't work anymore, securitywarning


Markus Fischer


I've been struggled by this problem for some time now but couldn't find
any solution anywhere (google, msdn).

We're sending a regular newsletter to our subscribers for some time now
(years). Since one/two weeks user start to complain that links in the
message could not be clicked. The following message (translated from
german) appears to them:

-- In the infobar when I view the message --
Click here to activate the links. For safety reason links are disabled
in this messages

-- When I actually click a link --
With some links in this message a connection to an unsecure or not
authorized sites would be established. For safety reasons the links in
this message are disabled. CLick in the infobar to activate the options
to activcate links.
[ ] Don't show this dialog again

The users receive this newsletter every day. But just some have this
problem, not all of them and only a few users (at the moment).

But what is the reason for? What could the problem be? This never
appeared before.

Thanks for any hints,
- Markus

BillR [MVP]

It's anew security feature in Outlook. If desired, the users can disable it
via Tools | Options | Preferences tab | Junk email button ..."don't turn on
links in messages ..." - uncheck that option.

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