Last I heard this usenet is supposed to be about home built electronics, is
that still the case, or has it simply become just another pc plug & play crowd?
Here's a tech question for the milk dud crowd, if any of you are still around?
OKI 2162B02 chip, anybody have specs and how to use with TFT?
I've hacked a Casio hand-held TV with 2.5" x 2.5" AM-TFT and wanna run it with
a PIC 18F chip, anybody got any clues or directions I may follow?
Last I heard this usenet is supposed to be about home built electronics, is
that still the case, or has it simply become just another pc plug & play crowd?
Here's a tech question for the milk dud crowd, if any of you are still around?
OKI 2162B02 chip, anybody have specs and how to use with TFT?
I've hacked a Casio hand-held TV with 2.5" x 2.5" AM-TFT and wanna run it with
a PIC 18F chip, anybody got any clues or directions I may follow?