Pug Fugley
I'm confused, but that's nothing new 
After a few years out of the scene, I'm wanting to get back into PC gaming
so I'm putting a machine together. Now I'm trying to decide whether or not
to get a new video card for this machine. So here are the details:
1) I currently have an MSI GeForce2 Pro which works just fine, but I've had
it for 2 years and I figure there should be something a little stronger now
for cheap.
2) I don't want to spend $300 for a video card. Of course that also means I
don't care to have the fastest card on the planet either. My GF2 is just
fine, but if I can get a significant improvement for $75 or so, I'll do it.
3) I would like to have an ATI/Sapphire card becuase of Nvidias piss poor 2d
Problem is, the numbers are confusing. I see the 8000 is actually faster
than the 9000 and crap like that so what is the progression in ATI's model
And, which card compares to my GF2Pro, and which one would be a major step
up from that for $75 or so?
Or, have there been so signifiant increases in the middle range card market
so I should just shutup and keep what I got?

After a few years out of the scene, I'm wanting to get back into PC gaming
so I'm putting a machine together. Now I'm trying to decide whether or not
to get a new video card for this machine. So here are the details:
1) I currently have an MSI GeForce2 Pro which works just fine, but I've had
it for 2 years and I figure there should be something a little stronger now
for cheap.
2) I don't want to spend $300 for a video card. Of course that also means I
don't care to have the fastest card on the planet either. My GF2 is just
fine, but if I can get a significant improvement for $75 or so, I'll do it.
3) I would like to have an ATI/Sapphire card becuase of Nvidias piss poor 2d
Problem is, the numbers are confusing. I see the 8000 is actually faster
than the 9000 and crap like that so what is the progression in ATI's model
And, which card compares to my GF2Pro, and which one would be a major step
up from that for $75 or so?
Or, have there been so signifiant increases in the middle range card market
so I should just shutup and keep what I got?