Linda W.
Hello ...
I've appreciated so much the help provided here in response to my
recent questions.
And I was going to try not to bother you further.
But I'm stumped and I really don't know what to do. I wondered if
someone might take pity on me.
But seriously ... I don't understand what's going on.
I have been unable to link to any of the anti-virus sites recommended
by this group and other sources.
I called my ISP, and they suggested I try www.trendmicro.com.
I can't link to that one, either.
My ISP said that I might still have the worm in the computer
But after I downloaded and installed the patch from Microsoft, I also
clicked on the place on the Microsoft page that said it would check to
see if I had the worm.
The message came back saying I do not have the worm.
As I mentioned, my Norton free trial has expired, but I believe it
will still scan for viruses. I'm about to try that now.
But is there something else I can do? Would the worm be preventing me
from linking to any anti-virus sites? (I'm not having any difficulty
linking to other sites, by the way.)
I'm sorry to bother you again -- but please, if you have any
suggestions for me, would you help? As I mentioned, I don't have a
systems administrator. And most of my friends know even less about
all this than I do.
Many thanks.
Linda W.
I've appreciated so much the help provided here in response to my
recent questions.
And I was going to try not to bother you further.
But I'm stumped and I really don't know what to do. I wondered if
someone might take pity on me.

But seriously ... I don't understand what's going on.
I have been unable to link to any of the anti-virus sites recommended
by this group and other sources.
I called my ISP, and they suggested I try www.trendmicro.com.
I can't link to that one, either.
My ISP said that I might still have the worm in the computer
But after I downloaded and installed the patch from Microsoft, I also
clicked on the place on the Microsoft page that said it would check to
see if I had the worm.
The message came back saying I do not have the worm.
As I mentioned, my Norton free trial has expired, but I believe it
will still scan for viruses. I'm about to try that now.
But is there something else I can do? Would the worm be preventing me
from linking to any anti-virus sites? (I'm not having any difficulty
linking to other sites, by the way.)
I'm sorry to bother you again -- but please, if you have any
suggestions for me, would you help? As I mentioned, I don't have a
systems administrator. And most of my friends know even less about
all this than I do.
Many thanks.
Linda W.