OK, wrong place, but how do I discuss IE7



I just love this microsoft mob.

I've downloaded the IE7 bta... found something that doesn';t seem to work,
and would like to report it.

So what do I do? hit help and click on "report problem" - nah, way too easy.

join the forum for IE7? nah - there isn't one.

Does anyone have any idea how to access support/feedback for this beta? And
why it isn't bloody obvious when you're running it? what's the point of a
beta if you don't make bug reporting easy?

Vincenzo Di Russo [MVP]

myshkin said:
I just love this microsoft mob.

I've downloaded the IE7 bta... found something that doesn';t seem to work,
and would like to report it.

So what do I do? hit help and click on "report problem" - nah, way too

join the forum for IE7? nah - there isn't one.

Does anyone have any idea how to access support/feedback for this beta?
And why it isn't bloody obvious when you're running it? what's the point
of a beta if you don't make bug reporting easy?

Beta testers of IE7 Beta 2 Public Preview are asked to post their comments
to microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general newsgroup.

On the web:

In your newsreader:

Release Notes for Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 Preview:
IEBlog : Frequently Asked Questions for the IE7 Beta 2 Preview:

Official "feedback" site (info):

Sandi's Site: http://www.ie-vista.com/

Vincenzo Di Russo
Microsoft® MVP - Most Valuable Professional
Windows - Internet Explorer since 2003
My home:
My Blog: http://blogs.dotnethell.it/vincent/


I just love this microsoft mob.

I've downloaded the IE7 bta... found something that doesn';t seem to work,
and would like to report it.

So what do I do? hit help and click on "report problem" - nah, way too easy.

join the forum for IE7? nah - there isn't one.

Does anyone have any idea how to access support/feedback for this beta? And
why it isn't bloody obvious when you're running it? what's the point of a
beta if you don't make bug reporting easy?

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