It seems to me that 5728 was a special edition put out for some purpose, and
in my case was unable to handle some things 5600 could (I did report them).
Since MS has stopped downloads of 5728, have they also stopped taking
information about it from the Beta Testers? If that is the case, or simply
the fact that 5600 is still downloadable, would it be advisable for everyone
running 5728 to go back to 5600? I might suggest this because it appears
5600 is the REAL predecessor to the next release (final or otherwise) and
not 5728.
in my case was unable to handle some things 5600 could (I did report them).
Since MS has stopped downloads of 5728, have they also stopped taking
information about it from the Beta Testers? If that is the case, or simply
the fact that 5600 is still downloadable, would it be advisable for everyone
running 5728 to go back to 5600? I might suggest this because it appears
5600 is the REAL predecessor to the next release (final or otherwise) and
not 5728.