Peter van der Goes
As it would appear that not too many people (outside of reviewers on the
Newegg.com site) actually have an Asus M2N-E motherboard, what AM2
motherboard are you using?
Caveat: I don't need/want two PCI-E 16 slots for two video cards. I game
only when the grandkids show up, and they come equipped with their own game
boxes (thank goodness for the front AV ports on the bigscreen!)
I need a board that has specs similar to the M2N-E.
Newegg.com site) actually have an Asus M2N-E motherboard, what AM2
motherboard are you using?
Caveat: I don't need/want two PCI-E 16 slots for two video cards. I game
only when the grandkids show up, and they come equipped with their own game
boxes (thank goodness for the front AV ports on the bigscreen!)
I need a board that has specs similar to the M2N-E.