OK to delete Mshtml16.dll ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chucktronic
  • Start date Start date


I'm using IE 6.0.2800.1106 and Win98.
I need to clean up my hard drive, is it OK to delete Mshtml16.dll
file version 4.01.2111 and all it's associated registry keys ?

I'm asking because it doesn't show as being used when I
invoke for IE File Versions in MSINFO32.

Charles A. Gilbert
Where is it located and what is its size?

Is the machine fully up-to-date at Windows Update?

Remember the First Rule of Computing: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
It's located in the C:\windows\system directory,
It's size is 2.94MB, version 4.01.2111,
Product name: Microsoft® Windows(TM) Internet Tools

If you don't need it they put it on eBay to free up some
space in the basement ... My wife's rule of computing !
It's a file related to IE4 which installs by default with Win98 Gold.
Assuming you're never going to return to IE4 (...), I supposed you could
move it to another folder or Delete it to Recycle Bin, if you want. If all
is well after several days, get rid of it.

NB: I'm not recommending that you do so.

I would not go messing around with the Registry.
Thnx for the advice, I will move it up into a Temp directory
a see how things go, as for the registry part I use
Reg Cleaner 4.3 by Jouni Vuorio which is a great
registry tools: it always generate a undo reg file if
things go wrong so.