OK...Now I have another question...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lurch
  • Start date Start date


Again, I have a query which will be attached to a form. (Maybe I should be
in the queries forum-Sorry if I should)

This query has a table which has the twelve months. How can I get it to add
only the months up to the current month? If it is March add Jan, Feb and
March. If it is April, well you get the idea.

I'd like to keep it in the query if I could. As I may have many forms that
may rely on it.

I didn't explain the table very well. There are twelve fields named Jan -
Dec. Each of these fields will have dollar Figures in them. There could be
thousands of records....

What I need is for the Dollars to add up.

Sorry if I didn't explain it well. Now that I read my post again, I can see
that I would think the same thing you did.

Sorry bout that!

I take it the field that holds the month is simply a text field?
If so, you'll need to add an id field which numbers the entries 1 to 12.
The query becomes simple. In query design view, simply add the id field.
Add criteria of:
to your id field.
If you're got 12 fields named Jan through Dec, each one with a dollar figure
in them, you haven't normalized your database.

You should have 12 rows, each one having a field indicating which month and
a field with the dollar figure.