OK, I believe It has created 2 profiles

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When I pulled up me desktop this morning it gives me a chose between
"administrator" and "rowan", it has created two separate user identities. how
do I combined them or do I want to combine them.

In order to answer that question a little more info would be helpful.
XP does not create users by itself..........someone has to initiate the
action......did you?? if not who??
When you signed in before this what user did you use??.....sign in with the
same user........then delete the user you dont want and have never
All of your files and settings are under your user profile...they will not
be lost by deleting the user you have never used.

Normally creating a new user on a new install of XP would hide the default
administrator account........so we can assume that the admin user you are
seeing is not the default one but one that you created and named??????????
If on the other hand you have never ever created a user but used that
account you can copy its settings from one user to another.
This requires you to create a 3rd user with admin privileges and sign in as
Under MyComputer....right
click.........properties..........advanced.........User Profiles...settings
You should now see the 3 users.......pick the one you want to copy from and
click "copy to" in the next window find the user you wish to copy
to......C:\documents&settings\user name
click ok and ok your way out.
restart and sign in as the user you copied to.......check and if all is ok
you can now delete the 3rd user.

if this does not answer your question please do reply in the same thread