Offline Smart Client

  • Thread starter Thread starter ScottO
  • Start date Start date



I am looking for source code for a data synchronization engine that works
over the internet. This would be a smart client running in a semi
disconnected state. If the application detects that it is has a network
connection, it would "sync" up the data on the local machine to a master

Any code, links, or suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

Hi ScottO,

Based on my understanding, you want to create an offline smart client.

What is your databases modal? Are them Sql Server?

If you want to synchronize database, the Sql Server Replication may help

Also, Microsoft developed a Smart Client Offline Application Block, which
1. Detect the presence or absence of network connectivity.
2. Cache the required data so that the application can continue to function
even when the network connection is not available.
3. Synchronize the client application state and/or data with the server
when the network connection becomes available.

For more information, please refer to:

You may download it from:
There are source code follow with it.

Also, this article may help you either:

Thank you for your patience and cooperation. If you have any questions or
concerns, please feel free to post it in the group. I am standing by to be
of assistance.

Best regards,
Jeffrey Tan
Microsoft Online Partner Support
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Great. Thanks Jeff. This is exactly what I've been looking for.

Love'n patterns & practices!!! I am looking forward to even more. Though
some might see it differently I think the sooner developers work from the
same codebase the shorter amount of time it will time to accomplish the

In answer to your database model question, the SmartClient will talk to XML
on the local HD for a data store and Oracle as the "master" database. I
cringle at using either but I have to live within the requirements I have
been given.

Thanks again,

Hi ScottO,

Thanks for your feedback.

I am glad my reply makes sense to you. If you any further concern, please
feel free to post, I will help you. Thanks

Best regards,
Jeffrey Tan
Microsoft Online Partner Support
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Hi Jeffrey, I read You know about the Smart Client Offline Application Block, so since I'm "struggling" with it I hope You can Help me, please! I'm dealing with the smart client offline application block and I need to run the Executor as a Windows service, so I guess I need to understand how to pass data (i.e. ReferenceData downloaded from the web service) from the Windows service to my application via the cache block. The method in the OnlineProxy class of my app is being called and the data is written in the cache (I tried singleton, MMF and isolated storage too) but the client can't find it. I guess this is due to different applications' domains. Any idea