I had a PC on domain1, and I had configured offline files on a network
connection of the domain server.
Now, this PC is on domain2 and it has configured offline files on a network
connection of the current domain server, but it still tries to synchronize
files to the old domain server and it always shows an icon saying that there
are unsynchonized files.
I open mobsync.exe and I have uncheck the offline files of the old server,
and besides this PC has no file to synchronize to the old server.
Is there a key on the registry to configure which network connections to
synchronize because the mobsync.exe isn't useful for me (as I have said, I
uncheck the offline files of the old server but it still tries to
synchronize, so it doesn't matter if you check or not in the mobsync.exe).
I had a PC on domain1, and I had configured offline files on a network
connection of the domain server.
Now, this PC is on domain2 and it has configured offline files on a network
connection of the current domain server, but it still tries to synchronize
files to the old domain server and it always shows an icon saying that there
are unsynchonized files.
I open mobsync.exe and I have uncheck the offline files of the old server,
and besides this PC has no file to synchronize to the old server.
Is there a key on the registry to configure which network connections to
synchronize because the mobsync.exe isn't useful for me (as I have said, I
uncheck the offline files of the old server but it still tries to
synchronize, so it doesn't matter if you check or not in the mobsync.exe).