Finally, I found the answer to the problem. This hint sent me in the right
direction. Even though the Welcome Screen and Fast User switching were
OFF/DISABLED the all important registry key had not been changed. The
following key was still set to "1" when I changed it to "0" offline files
stopped unchecking itself after every reboot.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]
Don't ask me why turining off the Welcome Screen and Fast User Switching was
not setting this key to "0", but that is exactly what the problem was. Could
it be some bug in the Fast User switching interface? When the box is
unchecked in the GUI this key does not appear to get changed...
Office Documents Are Synchronized to an Offline Share Automatically
From Experts-Exchange read the info below:
Basically your CSC (client side cache) is probably corrupted.....
The below is my personal preference on the steps to go through, which will
protect the data thats not synched....
Here is an article on it, but it doesnt explain how to make sure the data is
safely extracted if not synched yet....
How to re-initialize the offline files cache and database
Please do not reinitialize the CSC database until you verify all files are
in synch...
To make sure that the Offline Files are all in Synch.....
If the Offlines Files folder shows files not synchronized, or only local
copy exists, please follow here....
Get the following from the web....
Features and functions in version 1.1 of the Client-Side Caching ...
DL it here....Copy it to C:\windows\system32
Then run the following command....
csccmd.exe /extract /target:C:\ExFiles /recurse
csccmd.exe /extract /target:C:\ExFiles /recurse /onlymodified
If you see it extracting data, then go to c:\ExFiles and see whats present....
Once this is verified.....
Then. Paste the following commands into the CMD window.
(Or make a batch file, and share it with your friends... )
reg add "hklm\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\netcache" /v
FormatDatabase /t reg_dword /d 00000001
reg delete "hkcu\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\netcache\shares" /f
reg add "hkcu\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\NetCache\Shares" /ve
reg delete
"hkcu\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\netcache\AssignedOfflineFolders" /f
reg add
"hkcu\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\NetCache\AssignedOfflineFolders" /ve
Then log back in, and the Adminstratively Assigned offline files key will
rebuild (if you set any). Might take 2 reboots....
Restart once more, and you should see the redirected folders rebuilding....
Let us know if that helped.
Crowdak said:
The NetCache wasn't found uner HKEY_Current_User but under
HKEY_Local_Machine. the value for that key was Default / REG_SZ / Value not
Set. Sorry for the late response, the notfication of your reply went into my
SPAM folder.
nass said:
Classic question but looking for a different answer. I got a user that
worked offline all week, her work is crucial and it'll be hard to do it
again. I got that error when she is trying to synchronize on my network: the
parameter is incorrect. She has XP SP2.
I am looking for a different answer than this article from microsoft:
Is it possible to recover from that error other than just clearing the
cache? As I said previously those modified files are crucial. Another thing
is it's the 2nd or 3rd time that laptop has that offline files issue. Is
there a reason for that issue to happen, habits to avoid?
Thank you.
Features and functions in version 1.1 of the Client-Side Caching
Command-Line Options command-line tool
User comments about offline files
[-]HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\NetCache= what the
value set to in the right pane/window?
Let me know your findings.