Offline files serious problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter James
  • Start date Start date



I have been using Offline files on my laptop to keep a copy of important
files from my office. My office hard drive crashed, so I lost the original
files. Now my laptop has a virus and I'm having trouble accessing the
computer at all, let alone the offline files. In Tools-Options-Offline
Files of Windows Explorer it says the offline files folder is empty. The
C:\winnt\csc folder has over 1 GB of files, so the files are there, how can
I see them? Anybody know?


One thing you can try is going to Tools --> Folder
Options, and make sure "Show hidden files and folders" is
selected, and make sure "Hide protected operating system
files" is unchecked.
Do a search on your harddrive for *.pst files. Outlook stores e-mails in pst
files. Once you locate the files, you can reconnect Outlook to the files
using the Mail icon in the Control Panel. Select Data Files and then Open and
follow the wizard.