offline, Explorer won't display images



For some time now Internet Explorer has not displayed the images for my webpages when I am working on them offline. Both Netscape and Opera display them just fine. With Explorer I get the x-in-a-box symbol instead.
I've tried everything I could think of but the problem persists. If I upload the same pages to the server Explorer displays the graphics just fine.
I am totally stumped by what I did to create this problem and how to solve it. Any Ideas?

Robert Aldwinckle

Any Ideas?

It means that IE has not cached those images in the TIF.
One known questionable case involves the Apache server
sending the Vary: header in its responses. IE evidently
interprets that to mean that the object is non-cacheable.


Thanx for the help, ubfortunately, it didn't solve the problem. The prospect that my image files aren't being cached seems right on the money, but I'm not sure how to solve that. I went into internet options and maxed the amount of storage for temp files, but that didn't do anything. That seemed to be the only suggestion I could find in the help file.
I'm not sure how an Apache server would make any differance since the problem occurs offline. I'm wondering if the problem could be linked to Homsite 5, which I use for writing my page code. I've gone through the options in Homsite several times to see if I've checked (or unchecked) something that might cause this.

Robert Aldwinckle

the problem occurs offline.

because the image is not cached. The image is not cached either
because the content provider requested that or inadvertently because
the server is sending an HTTP header which causes that.

Use the Privacy Report (Alt-V,v) and the TIF Viewer (Alt-T,O,Alt-S,V)
to test this. The Privacy Report may show you the URLs involved.
The TIF Viewer will show you if they are in the cache. Set View Details
and sort by Last Accessed to make it most usable.
(Alt-V,D Alt-V,I,Last Accessed)

Which OS? Do you have a packet tracer?
If XP Pro you could use netcap
Otherwise use Ethereal (freeware) for capturing
as well as formatting.

If you see a Vary: header coming in with the response to an image
request that's why it won't be cached.

Please post a sample link if you need more help.




Well, I think we may be getting closer, but the problem still exists. First, my OS is Windows 98.
I tried checking the privacy report and the TIF folder but they aren't applicable because the files I'm trying to open have never been on the internet. They exist only in the My Documents folder as I'm still working on them before I upload them to the server so they can be seen on the Web. At least I think that is what's happening because when I used the suggested commands the response was for IE to open the security tab on internet options (Alt-V,v) and there was no response when I tried to open the TIF viewer (Alt-T,O,Alt-S,V). However, when I tried the same commands on an active Webpage they worked just as you described.
I tried copying my image files (it's a folder I've simply labeled "gifs") to the TIF folder using the Exploring window, thinking that maybe they weren't showing up in the page because that was where IE looked for them. It didn't work.
I'm not sure if a packet tracer will do any good because everything is taking place on my computer and has no internet presence . But I'm going to download Ethereal, as you suggested, and see if it might help.
As far as the pathway goes. The titlebar shows exactly the address I would expect to see (C:\My Documents\folder name\scripts\index.html) for the homepage of the site.
The image files are in the same main folder (C:\My Documents\file name\gifs\image file). What I have noticed is: if I right click on the spot where the image should be, and click on Properties, the pathway shows as: (file:///C/My%20documents/folder name/gifs/image file). The other properties listed are:
Protocol: File Protocol
Type: Not Available
Address (URL): (file:///C/My%20documents/folder name/gifs/image file).
Size: Not Available
Dimensions: Correct image dimensions
Created: Not Available
Modified: Not Available
I'm not sure what to make of this, or if it means anything at all.

Robert Aldwinckle

the files I'm trying to open have never been on the internet. They exist
only in the My Documents folder as I'm still working on them before I
upload them to the server so they can be seen on the Web.

That shouldn't matter if you are using a personal web server.
How are you trying to view this document and how is it coded?


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