Official PCR flashmob performance videos


Hon. Acoustical Engineer
Mar 16, 2002
Reaction score
I wish I was there! Just by looking at the expressions of the bystanders at the end of it you can imagine how it must have sounded in the middle of the square.

I'm jealous of the crowd indeed. I haven't been in years, but it makes me want to go to the local concert hall!

Good find :thumb:
Those were all so enjoyable Quad. Our morning is now officially off to a very cheery start :D
Glad you liked them, I will try to find other good ones if they are worthy of being posted here and most would enjoy them. :D
:bow:Oh Quadophile they quite wonderful, the expressions of joy on peoples faces especially in the first two clips the boy up the lamp post and the little girl standing spell bound behind the conductor quite wonderful, brought tears of emotion too my eyes:o