Well, I would not put it that way.
I would state that you need to do an Administrative Installation. So, you
are not truly 'copying' anything. If you are unclear what an Administrative
Installation is then think of it in these terms: you are installing Office
XP but it will not necessarily be available to anyone logged on that
computer - it is simply another form of 'media' that is forever stored on
the Server and that you use instead of running around with the CD Media in
your hand!
So, instead of sitting at someone's computer and dropping the CD Media into
the CD-ROM drive on that computer you simply navigate to the shared resource
and double click the executable ( either .exe or .msi ). And, in this case,
you could use a mapped network drive! Well, this is if you are not using
GPO to deploy Office XP. This would be a really common scenario if you were
still an NT 4.0 domain!
In your case, since you are using a GPO to deploy Office XP you create the
Administrative Installation and the follow the normal procedure for creating
a GPO. Only, when you are specifying the path to the .msi file you - M * U
* S * T - use the UNC method ( \\servername\sharename ) to the .msi file.
Also, one of the cool things about an Administrative Installation is that
you can update / patch that AIP ( Administrative Installation Point ) with
any Service Pack that comes out or any patch that comes out. This is
usually done via a .msp file ( Microsoft Patch ). You would then simply
deploy the application again. If you were not using a GPO then you would
have to sit at the client's computer and enter start msiexec.exe /i
\\servername\sharename\file.msi REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=vomu /qb - or
something similar - after you have updated the AIP. You would typically do
this via msiexec /p \\servername\sharename\file.msp /a
\\servername\sharename\dfile.msi SHORTFILENAMES=TRUE /qb. The
SHORTFILENAMES=TRUE is of extreme importance! If you are using a GPO to
deploy then you would simply go to the GPO and select 'redeploy
application'. At the next logoff / log on or shut down/start up the
application would be deployed - at the new level!