Office XP professional with Front Page

  • Thread starter Thread starter Titch
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I stupidly removed above program and want to restore it. How? I have no disk
as this was with computer when bought.
This is a question for the Office newsgroup.
In any case, if the software came with the computer, you need to contact the
computer manufacturer for possible replacement. However, it's not likely
they'l have anymore office xp, but you can try.

:I stupidly removed above program and want to restore it. How? I have no
: as this was with computer when bought.
If you don't have the installation media you don't reinstall it. Contact the
vendor you got it from for a replacement disk or buy a new copy.
I stupidly removed above program and want to restore it. How? I have no disk
as this was with computer when bought.

You are probably out of luck entirely (short of buying a copy), but
ask your OEM to be sure. They *may* be able to help you.
Titch said:
I stupidly removed above program and want to restore it. How? I have no disk
as this was with computer when bought.

I'll loan you my magic wand for a small consideration. Otherwise
you're screwed.
: >This is a question for the Office newsgroup.
: That was certainly an inappropriate knee-jerk reply.

To which you replied with an inappropriate knee-jerk reply rather than even
bother noticing that I also gave the answer to the OP after directing them
to an appropriate newsgroup, you hooplehead.
Tom [Pepper] Willett said:
: >This is a question for the Office newsgroup.
: That was certainly an inappropriate knee-jerk reply.

To which you replied with an inappropriate knee-jerk reply rather than even
bother noticing that I also gave the answer to the OP after directing them
to an appropriate newsgroup, you hooplehead.

Directing the OP to an Office group when the question was CLEARLY not
an Office question definitely makes you a Charter Member of
I stupidly removed above program and want to restore it. How? I have no disk
as this was with computer when bought.

Hello Titch:

Have you ever made a full system backup?

WaIIy said:
Can you go to the previous owner and get the program ?

Sounds like maybe you were never licensed to use the program in the
first place. Common problem for such things.
Unknown said:
What a silly comment.

At least a silly twit response to it. Show me how you know I am wrong.
It's quite a kick sometimes watching you flail around like a fish out of
water. Bottom feeding bass turds are like that though, I'll bet. You'd
know for sure.