Office Word Issues...Word cannot open document



I am using Office Word 2002. At work I have Office 2003 which allows
you to set up a passcode to protect your documents. Word 2002 doesn't
allow this but nevertheless it can open such documents. I have a lot of
memos and documents on my personal computer that are password

Two days ago, I started receiving this message if I am to open any of
these documents: "Word cannot open the document: user does not have
access privileges" Why is that? I am the Admin on my computer.

This is really bad because I've been working on some memos for days and
really cannot lose them.

Can anybody help? I run Windows XP.



I think I now understand the problem. I run a newer Anti Virus program
and found two viruses in the folder that governs my documents. I cannot
open anything that has been encrypted before using Win XP Encryption
features. That included Acrobat Reader docs and other files.

Anything encrypted cannot be opened. It states that Access is denied.
Can anybody help?

Graham Mayor

You have not named your linked anti-virus software. Checking of Word/Office
documents can usually be deselected in the AV program e.g. in Norton AV by
turning off its Office Plug-in.

With some versions of the Norton product it may be necessary to unregister
the calling DLL by running the following command line from Windows > Start >

regsvr32 /u "c:\program files\norton antivirus\officeav.dll"
regsvr32 /u "c:\program files\norton systemworks\norton

Other AV apps eg the popular free ediition of Grisoft's AVG antivirus
software, require similar treatment.
In this instance:

regsvr32 /u "C:\Program Files\Grisoft\AVG Free\avgoff2k.dll"

None of this prevents regular virus checking.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

My web site

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Thanks for your reply Graham. It didn't work. Before I had EzTrust AV
from California Associates. Because it couldn't detect any virus I
removed EzTrust and downloaded AVG last night. It found 8 viruses so

I still cannot access my encrypted documents. FYI all my documents
folder was encrypted. I truly hope someone can help me solve this.
There are a lot of documents at stake.

Thank you.


Also when I try to decrypt the folder, it allows me to do it for the
folder but not for the files included in the folder. For those
encrypted files, if I try to decrypt them individually, I get the
following error message:

An error occurred applying attributes to the file:
c:/documents and settings/....
Access is denied.

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