"Office Live" User forum anywhere?

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Does anyone know of a user forum anywhere for the new Beta Microsoft "Office
Live" website hosting and software that recently started? I just finished
creating my new website and setup 2 initial email accounts on my new domain.

My problem is that I sent 2 "test" emails to each those addresses (4 total
messages). There is no place to login and check the email. This worries me
because I have the addresses listed right on my "Contact Us" page.

The only options I have are when I login to the site builder and go to the
User Accounts area, the 2 email accounts are there, but I don't have any
access to look in them. The only options I have are to either change the PWD,
or delete that email account. Is there a user account setup/login area that I
missed when I built the website?

I hope someone at Microsoft starts a Newsgroup like this one for that new
project (since it is in Beta right now...) It would do them great to see
user's comments and problems, and it would all be in >>>one area<<< so that
Microsoft doesn't have to search all over the web to find problems with it.
It would be a wealth of information and an economical method to improve on a
good thing...

If there isn't a forum there should be one.

My account simply vanished after I signed up but the domain is
registered to me but inaccessible, MS is researching it.

The email looks like Hotmail but is not accessible from Hotmail.

It worries me they require a credit card to sign up but have no idea
what happened to my account.
Follow the instructions you were given when you were authorized to be a beta
Huh? I signed up, gave them my credit card number, and got the
account, which vanished within hours.