I understand that Office/Access 2010 beta will be problem free when launched
later this year. Infact I am looking forward to its launch to experience its
new web features.
I would like to highlight some unpredictable results when running Access
2007 runtime in XPhomeSP3 PC installed with Office 2010 beta. I also hope to
get some advice on how to overcome them. On other similar PC setup without
the beta, no problem.
1) Pivot Chart does not work
2) Simple function used by ribbon does not run.
Public Function cmdhelp()
On Error GoTo Err_Handler
MsgBox "Help Me!", , "Email help"
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description, , "cmdhelp"
Resume Exit_Handler
End Function
3) Double-Click event (Works sometime")
Private Sub Description_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
On Error Resume Next
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stLinkCriteria = "[id]= Forms![T_test]![ID]"
DoCmd.OpenForm ("frmzoom"), acNormal, , stLinkCriteria
End Sub
4) Some ribbon icons are empty.
5) Security Dialog popup even when the folder is trusted.
If Access 2010 does not address the above issues, I am afraid that my
program will fail on my client when they upgrade their Office to 2010.
later this year. Infact I am looking forward to its launch to experience its
new web features.
I would like to highlight some unpredictable results when running Access
2007 runtime in XPhomeSP3 PC installed with Office 2010 beta. I also hope to
get some advice on how to overcome them. On other similar PC setup without
the beta, no problem.
1) Pivot Chart does not work
2) Simple function used by ribbon does not run.
Public Function cmdhelp()
On Error GoTo Err_Handler
MsgBox "Help Me!", , "Email help"
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description, , "cmdhelp"
Resume Exit_Handler
End Function
3) Double-Click event (Works sometime")
Private Sub Description_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
On Error Resume Next
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stLinkCriteria = "[id]= Forms![T_test]![ID]"
DoCmd.OpenForm ("frmzoom"), acNormal, , stLinkCriteria
End Sub
4) Some ribbon icons are empty.
5) Security Dialog popup even when the folder is trusted.
If Access 2010 does not address the above issues, I am afraid that my
program will fail on my client when they upgrade their Office to 2010.