Hi Shannon,
I cant find the printer icon in office word 07????its nowhere!!
Yes, the new look and feel of Office 2007 products takes a little while to
master, but once you take the time, I think you find it better than the old.
To print with Word 2007 (and to see the more traditional File-menu) you need
to click the large, round "Office Button" at the very top-left of the
window. It opens the menu, and from there you can point to Print.
If you need to print often, you can also customize the Quick Access Toolbar,
which by default has the Save and Undo/Redo commands in it. To do so, click
the tiny down arrow icon on their right-hand side, and then select Quick
Print. This helps you print to your default printer fast.
PS. This newsgroup (microsoft.public.dotnet.general) is a .NET software
development newsgroup, so if you need other help with your new Word, I
suggest that you use a more appropriate newsgroup, unless of course, your
question in .NET programming related.
Mr. Jani Järvinen
Helsinki, Finland
(e-mail address removed)