Office 2003 Cab File missing



I get this dialog box whenever I try to use the add/remove panel in the
Control Panel dialog box. This is what it says:

The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is
Click OK to try again, or enter an alternate path to a folder containing the
installation package '511735.MainSp1op.msp' in the box below.

Then there is a drop down box that says: 'C:\Program

I have tried to look for it in vain but I couldn't find it. I have also
tried to look for it using Microsoft KB article 324516 - The Windows
installer service could not be accessed error message when you try to install

Another problem I have encountered is the RPC service. Everytime I use
avast! Antivirus there is a dialog box that says:

Avast! error: The AAVM subsystem detected RPC error.

I have gone into the services management panel using Start - Run -
Services.msc and made sure that the RPC services and their dependent services
are set back to Windows XP Professional defaults. Any help on both of these
problems would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and have a great day!

HM/USN/USMC (ret.)/Force Recon 1st Div.


I purchased a new computer with windows XP Professional with SP2, and I
encountered this same problem as described in the first problem below. I
have even gone so far as to restore my computer back to the original set
point as when I purchased it, but still encounter the same problem.
I would appreciate it if MS would reply as to whether this is a Valid CAB
file, or where the file may have come from. Could it be a virus or worm? I
have run Norton for the hard drive and no virus' were found.
I would also like to know if a complete format and reinstall is necessary to
eliminate the problem. Also, is this a problem only for XP Pro or does it
also occur in XP Home Edition?

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