Office 2002 XP for teachers - MS Word stops printing



I loaded Office XP for students and teachers on 2 PCs and after about a month MS Word won't print (prints 1/2 page then get a print error) ... this fallout from loading on 2 PCs?

John Barnett - MVP

You really need to post this in the Microsoft Word Newsgroup.
However, i fail to see why loading it on 2 pc's would cause the problem -
they are two seperate entities. I'm not sure about the student/teacher
version regarding the licence agreement. Are you allowed to install one copy
on two pc's? I'd check you licence agreement first.
You say the printing problem occurs in Word. What about Microsoft WordPad or
other applications? Does the same thing happen when you use another
application? After all it may not be word that is at fault, it may be a
printer driver problem. I suggest you try WordPad - Start>All
Programs>Accessories>WordPad. Do a test document and see if the same problem


please look at the event viewer for exact cause of the
problem.Start>control panel >administrative tools>event viewer -here
look for application error logs.
ssg MS-MVP


Actually, the student/teacher version allows you to install 3 copies, not
just two.

I would first check the settings for your printer under the control panel.
Your symptoms sound like your driver don't list the full amount of memory on
your printer (if it is laser), or the proper drivers, (if it is inkjet.



Thanks for the tip ... I went to the evnt viewer and located the print error message ... and received the following message/hotlink
performed the task ... was able to print one 2-page doc ... then the printing stopped.

I'm thinking the problem may be related to loading the office XP (2002) for teachers on 2 PCs. The license states one PC ... I seemed to get a grace periord of about a month, then the problems arose. I see now Microsoft offers 3 PC licenses for each copy of office 2003 XP for teachers.

Any suggestions would be greatly appeciated. thanks.

John Barnett - MVP

Brian, forget the licence problem. Microsoft cannot control your pc so
installing the same software on 1,2,3 or 4 machines will not make any
difference. The only thing you are doing is breaking your end user licence
agreement. Have you tried printing from WordPad as i suggested. I still
think it is a printer driver problem rather than word.
You might try reinstalling the printer.


John - yep ... I tried wordpad/notepad ... same issue ... after 4 calls into HP and countless remote solutions (installing new drivers, etc) I asked for new hardware ... got it today, installed the drivers ... and it works!!! Tonight I test the other PC. Fingers are crossed.

Thanks for all the help.

----- John Barnett - MVP wrote: -----

Brian, forget the licence problem. Microsoft cannot control your pc so
installing the same software on 1,2,3 or 4 machines will not make any
difference. The only thing you are doing is breaking your end user licence
agreement. Have you tried printing from WordPad as i suggested. I still
think it is a printer driver problem rather than word.
You might try reinstalling the printer.

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