Office 2000 Install



I'm attempting to install Office 2000 on a desktop PC with
a new install of Windows 2000.

The install of Office 2000 stops and advises that it
cannot find specific fonts in the WINNT Fonts folder.
One of the font files is arialni.ttf. When I copy and
install this font from another PC, it gets renamed
arialni0.ttf and the Office 2000 install stops again. I
can't get past this point.

Does anyone have any advise for this problem.

Thanks, much.

Dave Patrick

Ask them in office.setup


Dave Patrick ....Please no email replies - reply in newsgroup.
Microsoft Certified Professional
Microsoft MVP [Windows]

| I'm attempting to install Office 2000 on a desktop PC with
| a new install of Windows 2000.
| The install of Office 2000 stops and advises that it
| cannot find specific fonts in the WINNT Fonts folder.
| One of the font files is arialni.ttf. When I copy and
| install this font from another PC, it gets renamed
| arialni0.ttf and the Office 2000 install stops again. I
| can't get past this point.
| Does anyone have any advise for this problem.
| Thanks, much.

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