Hi Cicely,
Yes, those were very early basic designs of what ended up in the finished product in Word 2007 under Insert=>Cover Page,
Document Building block gallery
(with matching bits [most of the time] available for the Header and Footer galleries).
Unfortunately, the file format used in the early betas can't be used by the release products so many of those designs available in
2005 aren't available in the released 2007 files (perhaps Beth has managed to save or extract some of them(?) .
In addition to the 'built in' coverpage choices there are a few you can download from the Office Template site if you use
Insert=>Quickparts=>Get More...
From the initial design to the release product there were a number of iterations of the design and construction for the groupings,
presentations, colorings. Even the 'Intense/moderate/subtle' choices were carry overs from the FrontPage theme approach (of
vivid/standard colorations) that Word had used for several versions and finally became the choices you get if you use
Page Layout=>Theme Colors=>Create New Theme Colors.
to design your own coloring set to use with a cover page or other building block you have or design.
Keep in mind that the theme colors and font sets can be separate from the CoverPage layout, so, for example choose the 'Tiles' cover
page from
Insert=>Cover Page=>
then use
Page Layout=>Themes group
and try the live preview by mousing through the different elements of
Themes (changes colors and fonts and effects
Colors (leaves the font choices but changes the color set)
Effects (not much going on in this theme, but same idea)
Page Background=>Page Color (the outside area of the page.
You can also build your own cover pages from scratch or modify any existing one. In your link, for example the
Intense=>Accent Triangle choice is basically
an Insert=>Shape=>Triangle
stretched positioned and colored and a borderless textbox that has included these elements
Insert=>Quick Parts=>Document Properties=>
Insert=>Quick Parts=>Document Properties=>Title and Abstract
If you're looking for things like report templates that you can then apply a theme to, not just use the built in Document Building
Insert=>Cover Page gallery items,
this MS Office Templates team blog entry may be useful.
A sample of the templates are shown here:
Thanks >>
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*