Offer draw in chess titans?

  • Thread starter Thread starter noel
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noel said:
Is it possible to offer a draw in Chess Titans?

Why to offer a draw against such a lousy player as Chess Titan is? First,
there is necessary to improve chess knowledge of the program, then maybe add
this "offer draw" option.
So, even at level 10, you consistently beat Chess Titans? Good for you. In
the future, please don't waste my time with your bravado. The game is free
(I seriously doubt you upgraded to Vista Pro or Ultimate just for Chess
Titans), and it's unrealistic to expect 2000+ rated play out of it.

For the rest of us, it would be nice if there was a way for the program to
acknowledge an unforced draw situation.

Sorry, but there is no such option as far as i know.

When playing v's the comp on levels 6 & 7 (no other experience) I have found
that by repeating the same move (when you have only a rook or bishop, moving
your/its king in and out of check) the cpu will (eventually) move into a
position you can take its only piece.

Obviously in a king v's king situation a draw is awarded.