Hello all, this is sort of off topic but I don't know where else to
ask. I'm tring to fix my sisters computer, they said it does nothing
when you hit the power button. I swapped out the power supply. My
problem is they unhooked all the wires ffrom the motherboard and the
manual doesn't have a diagram telling me where to connect the wires,
and the motherboard itself isn't clearly labeled. I tried emailing
eMachines but they won't offer any help other than "bring it to a
repair shop".
So that's the question, does anyone know where I can get a diagram
from? It's an eMachines model T2792. Any help would be great.
It looks like your eMachine has one of four mobos. Here is a link that
will let you look at a picture of the boards, then click on the links
and choose downloads, scroll down for mobo manuals and download the
zip file for your board. http://www.e4allupgraders.info/dir1/motherboards/socket478/imperial.shtml
Hope this is what you are looking for. Post back with your results.
Good luck. -J