I have to agree with the positive on this as myself and all my friends and
contacts also have been running Vista since day one with no stumbles,
crashes or anything negative.. The only thing I have done to this system is
switch from 32 bit to 64 bit and knew way ahead that I would need to do a
clean install.. The majority of problems people have had is due to inferior
equipment or inferior mentality. Which category do you fall in as it is one
or the other as there is no other possibilities!!!
Total BS. Take a look around the industry. See how many people have
issue with Vista. See how many corporations refused to adopt Vista
after an in-depth review (Corporations that consistently upgraded from
one windows release to the next, sans Millennium, without exception).
As for my equipment, it's new and certified for Vista. That doesn't
make Vista any better, it just doesn't make it worse. The same goes
for those major corporation I mentioned.
As for mentality, I'm sure I beat you there - if only by having the
intelligence not to make erroneous assumptions about other people.
Likewise, many VERY talented people with serious Windows engineering
and support skills, people with list of certifications, people who did
robust testing, have advised their corporations/businesses not to
adopt Vista (but for some reason, you, untrained, uncertified,
unaccomplished, and sitting at your lone desktop, seem to know