I don't know the stats, but you have some things to consider. A masters is
going to cost you probably a lot more money then a certification. Then on
the other hand, the masters will always be useful, where as certification
only for certain jobs. I personally haven't seen too many postings requiring
particular certifications in programming. There will always be some new
certification for you to get - but a master's will have staying power.
However, if you can get a master's for 15K, then that is a fantastic deal,
and I say go for it - that is dirt cheap. You can still work part time -
and that experience will be most valuable of all, but I'm sure that 15K will
pay for itself in the end.
going to cost you probably a lot more money then a certification. Then on
the other hand, the masters will always be useful, where as certification
only for certain jobs. I personally haven't seen too many postings requiring
particular certifications in programming. There will always be some new
certification for you to get - but a master's will have staying power.
However, if you can get a master's for 15K, then that is a fantastic deal,
and I say go for it - that is dirt cheap. You can still work part time -
and that experience will be most valuable of all, but I'm sure that 15K will
pay for itself in the end.