Off-topic....comment on SPAM in newsgroups

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History Fan

I subscribe to and read several newsgroups daily. My NG program is
Outlook Express 6 SP2 and I have added (as I type this) 32 message "rules"
designed to weed out SPAM. If a subject heading contains a certain word, or
words, the post is deleted before I download it. That certainly helps a
lot, but SPAM still manages to filter thru now and then, forcing me to add
even more "rules." This time next year I'll probably have added three times
as many. I've also got about 100 email addresses of spammers (most of them
probably fake) in my blocked senders list.

Okay, I'm done venting.
Why 32 rules? I only have 1 rule - Blocked words or phrases. I then have
over 500 email addresses filtered, many of them regulars on the newsgroups I

BTW, I'll have to add to my blocked words list now "Off-topic" :-)

Tom J
History said:
I've also got about 100 email addresses of spammers (most of them
probably fake) in my blocked senders list.

Adding spammer addresses to your list is probably a fruitless
endeavor. Most all of them use either completely forged, bogus
addresses (once), or use the good address of one of their victims
(once) to mark their place in their spamming software. You end up with
a large list that will never be utilized, and slow down your mail or
news processing.
Okay, I'm done venting.

Heh, spam does cause that from time to time... :-)
That's what I use too. Outlook Express lists them as New News Rule
#1-32. Each one a different word or words.
With all the crap that is coming from Comcast, I can't blame anyone.


| History Fan wrote:
| > I've also got about 100 email addresses of spammers (most of them
| > probably fake) in my blocked senders list.
| Adding spammer addresses to your list is probably a fruitless
| endeavor. Most all of them use either completely forged, bogus
| addresses (once), or use the good address of one of their victims
| (once) to mark their place in their spamming software. You end up with
| a large list that will never be utilized, and slow down your mail or
| news processing.
| > Okay, I'm done venting.
| Heh, spam does cause that from time to time... :-)
| --
| -bts
| -This space intentionally left blank.
The next time you want to block another word or phrase, just click on the
banned word in rule #1 and a window will pop up to add another banned word
or phrase, the click the add button after you type it in. Like I said, you
don't need 32 rules just to delete a word or phrase. There are other type
options alright, but I never use them.

Tom J
from the wonderful said:
I subscribe to and read several newsgroups daily. My NG program is
Outlook Express 6 SP2 and I have added (as I type this) 32 message "rules"
designed to weed out SPAM. If a subject heading contains a certain word, or
words, the post is deleted before I download it. That certainly helps a
lot, but SPAM still manages to filter thru now and then, forcing me to add
even more "rules." This time next year I'll probably have added three times
as many. I've also got about 100 email addresses of spammers (most of them
probably fake) in my blocked senders list.

Hmm, I get by with two rules ..

If message >600 lines
if message cross posted to 3 or more newsgroups
then -> into the bin.

Then there are a few specifically blocked posters, generally different
for each NG. Yeah, I do see a few bits of cr&p still getting through,
but hey, it gives me something to report to the ISPs concerned. 8>.
And read Tom's info closely. It is VERY important that you tick off "Stop
Processing More Rules" IF you have more than one Message Rule......I am not
going to attempt to explain it...either read Tom's explanation or just do
it, grin.

With all the crap that is coming from Comcast, I can't blame anyone.

Don't forget SBC! The aggregate from the following SBC domains probably
exceeds the Comcast total:

For some reason I have yet to see any spam from, or from the
other four domains of residential customers. I have seen spam from their
"commercial customer" domain, though:

And also from SBC customers in SWIPped IP address space.

I am sure that they have more IP address space listed with;
they seem to harbor more ROKSO spammers than Comcast.
The next time you want to block another word or phrase, just click on the
banned word in rule #1 and a window will pop up to add another banned word
or phrase, the click the add button after you type it in. Like I said,
you don't need 32 rules just to delete a word or phrase.

Thanks for the information. I will apply this method.
Hmm, I get by with two rules ..
if message cross posted to 3 or more newsgroups
then -> into the bin.

How is that done with Outlook Express 6? I looked at the message
rules settings, but didn't see that option. Or perhaps I didn't understand
the wording.