# of records displayed

  • Thread starter Thread starter Victor
  • Start date Start date


I think I have an easy question...

My form defaults to show 3 records at a time, but I would
like it to show 10, can this be done?

Not sure of what you mean....why do you say it defaults to show 3 records?
Is that all the records that are being selected? Or that only 3 show on the
screen and you must scroll down to see the rest?
Sorry about that, for example, I can have something like
7 records to display one after the other (like in rows)
in a subform, but when I open the form only 3 show up &
then I have to scroll through to get to all of them. So
I wanted to make the default to display 10 rows so the
user wouldn't have to scroll to see all of them when
inputting. Hope this makes more sense! Thanks

Make the height of the detail section taller. The number of records you see
without scrolling is related to the height of the detail section.

I tried making the section detail larger, however, it
only increased the space in between the records, not
increasing the number that are on one screen at a time.
Any ideas?

Thanks a lot,
Sorry - you are correct -- don't know what was occupying my brain when I
typed that answer. (10 lashes with dry noodle!)

You will need to make the form header and/or footer section less tall then;
or make the detail section less tall.

This is assuming that you have enough space to show 10 records at one time
on the PC screen.