Of possible interest to Nepatsfan: Hibernation problem


Justin Thyme

Justin Thyme said:
Nepatsfan, (Is that New England Patriots Fan?)

Please allow me to summarize it for you and I'll get back with you
tomorrow when I have more time at the computer.

You nailed it, for sure!

All Event Viewer Application error types, MsiInstaller, event 1002, were
associated with the same registry keys, beginning almost immediately after
turning on this new computer for the first time back in October.

All registry keys were associated with "Microsoft Digital Image Library
9 - Blocker"
The Source List didn't help me; they all read: "REG_SZ (Value not set)"

I couldn't find Digital Image Library 9 anywhere on the computer but I
removed "Digital Image 2006 Standard" from the computer and Restart or
Power Off / Power On now cause the error message to appear no longer.

(I have a full CD Works Suite 2006 that I ordered with this computer and
I'll reinstall it tomorrow when time is not so pressing. Then I should be
able to let you know if that fully solved the problem.)

This question started from an inability to resume from Hibernate, and I'll
check that out now. For the present, thanks more than I can express.

Ken Bland

<Remainder snipped>
There have been no Red-X errors reported in the Event Viewer log since I
removed MS Works Suite Digital Image 2006. None. The only warnings read as

Windows saved user XXX registry while an application or service was still
using the registry during log off. The memory used by the user's registry
has not been freed. The registry will be unloaded when it is no longer in

I don't know what I can do about that, or if it's necessary to do anything.

Thanks again for your help diagnosing the other problem.

Ken Bland


Justin Thyme said:
There have been no Red-X errors reported in the Event Viewer log since I
removed MS Works Suite Digital Image 2006. None. The only warnings read as

Windows saved user XXX registry while an application or service was still
using the registry during log off. The memory used by the user's registry has
not been freed. The registry will be unloaded when it is no longer in use.

I don't know what I can do about that, or if it's necessary to do anything.

Thanks again for your help diagnosing the other problem.

Ken Bland

Those error messages can be eliminated by running the User Profile Hive Cleanup
service. Take a look at the following article for more info.

Troubleshooting profile unload issues

You can download the file to install the UPHC service here.

User Profile Hive Cleanup Service

Good luck


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