oem xp windows boot Stalled?



I have a 16 year old son and we have built a computer together.. (mostly
him.. he's pretty good) the dvd/cd burner we bought was defective and now
replaced.. our new oem xp version is in the the drive along with downloaded
floppy Abit VA10 driver the MotherBoard is a VA20 but its the closest
one listed, and we noticed that in the store all of the Abit MotherBoards
came without one, and were all returned... .. we get the xp logo page up
but can't proceed from there.... left unattened long enough the screen
goes Bkue... anyone have any Ideas????

Colin Barnhorst

Your hard drive controller may require you to insert its driver diskette
during setup, especially if it is a SATA controller. It is one of the first
screens and you should see a reference to "F6" on the bottom of the screen.
You don't have long. After you hit F6 Windows will request the diskette
when it needs it. Be sure to remove it after the installer is done with it
because the installer will reboot the system several times during the setup
and a diskette in the drive will interrupt the reboot.


Thanks Colin... I saw what you described and tried several times to
insert the diskette and then remove it but still the machine only goes
as far as the windowsxp cover page.... Im going to give walk-in tech
support at microcenter a visit with the actual machine..... Its stumbling
at that point.. I think and it may just be the diskette.... at any rate I do
appreciate your Response .. Thanks again...

Colin Barnhorst said:
Your hard drive controller may require you to insert its driver diskette
during setup, especially if it is a SATA controller. It is one of the first
screens and you should see a reference to "F6" on the bottom of the screen.
You don't have long. After you hit F6 Windows will request the diskette
when it needs it. Be sure to remove it after the installer is done with it
because the installer will reboot the system several times during the setup
and a diskette in the drive will interrupt the reboot.

Colin Barnhorst [MVP Windows - Virtual Machine]
(Reply to the group only unless otherwise requested)
wapiti_007 said:
I have a 16 year old son and we have built a computer together.. (mostly
him.. he's pretty good) the dvd/cd burner we bought was defective and
replaced.. our new oem xp version is in the the drive along with
floppy Abit VA10 driver the MotherBoard is a VA20 but its the closest
one listed, and we noticed that in the store all of the Abit MotherBoards
came without one, and were all returned... .. we get the xp logo page
but can't proceed from there.... left unattened long enough the screen
goes Bkue... anyone have any Ideas????

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