Susan day said:
Hi ... Could someone explain what's the differents
between OEM and Retail copy of windows xp ??? Does retail
have more files or folders ???
The OEM version can only legally be sold with hardware, although
these days, any piece of hardware, even a power cord, qualifies.
Although if you get a complete generic OEM version, it contains
the same software, it has the following disadvantages as compared
with the retail version:
1. Its license ties it permanently to the first computer it's
installed on. It can never legally be moved to another computer,
sold, or given away.
2. It can only do a clean installation, not an upgrade.
3. Microsoft provides no support for OEM versions. You can't call
them with a problem, but instead have to get any needed support
from your OEM; that support may range anywhere between good and
non-existent. Or you can get support elsewhere, such as in these
Also now that SP2 is out
if i was to purchase a license copy of windows xp will it
have SP2 on it ?
Highly unlikely. You will get what the store has in stock, which
almost certainly is a pre-SP2 version. It will probably be a few
months before copies with SP2 are widely available.