OEM 1PK or 3PK



What is the difference between a 1PK or a 3PK OEM software wise?

The specific questions refers to MS PN 66I-00825 which Vista Home Premium
OEM 64Bit 3PK

So if I were to buy that MS PN what would I get?

I'm guessing it would be one DVD and three product codes for three computers
but I'm really not sure.

I've googled the PN but can't seem to find an answer wading through all the
vemdors trying to sell it. Or when you up to your ass in alliga... er, uh
Part Numbers.... google is not your friend!

Thanks in advance!!!!

Rick Rogers

3PK is exactly what the name infers, 3 product keys or licenses to use the
software. One disk (it's all you need, you can copy it) and 3 licenses for

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help - www.rickrogers.org

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