I know there are a lot of postings out there already, but I haven't seen this
question addressed.
I am trying to help a friend who has a Vista system that she's
been using for several weeks and has already accumulated a fair number of
messages in Windows Mail. She's also set up folders some of which have the
same names as the folders in OE6 on her old computer.
When we import the OE6 dbx file will we overwrite the email on
the Vista system to the extent that some of the folders and emails may have
the same names. Do we need to be concerned about this? If so, how should we
question addressed.
I am trying to help a friend who has a Vista system that she's
been using for several weeks and has already accumulated a fair number of
messages in Windows Mail. She's also set up folders some of which have the
same names as the folders in OE6 on her old computer.
When we import the OE6 dbx file will we overwrite the email on
the Vista system to the extent that some of the folders and emails may have
the same names. Do we need to be concerned about this? If so, how should we