Windows XP OE6 Fails to open

Jan 20, 2007
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OE6 Fails to open.

OE6 "freezes" and I cannot access.

I am also getting Windows Defender error message "0x800106ba" Is this connected ?

Also I have had this problem since renewing my Zone Alarm Security Suite.
To fix the windows defender message, just uninstall it and re-download the latest version - it's very common and happens to the earlier installs expiring at the start of the year. :)

At which point does OE6 freeze?
Try un-installing then re-installing defender again ..if that fails try this link here

OE6 is actually not opening. It was Dr Watson Debugger that was causing the programm to "freeze". When Dr Watson is removed from the equasion the OE6 just does not open.
I have checked Zone Alarm and OE6 is ticked as an allowed programme.
Thanks to you both. I uninstalled Windows Defender and all is well, OE6 is now working again.