I believe I'm running Windows 2000/NT, SP2 and e-mailing w/OE6 (set for
html). Problem is I'm seeing (in my replies back for those using Unicode
UTF-8) either a "\" just ahead of the apostrophy or strangely other replies
back (again in UTS-8) inappropriately have inserted characters of "'" in lieu
of the apostrophes.
Also very odd that (other than it depends on who's e-mails I'm receiving)
that one e-mail reply deletes/omits the apostrophies, displays the inserted
"'" characters and other e-mails preceeds apostrophies with "\".
Again, I'm seeing the replies back (those displaying my initialy sent e-mail
text) where I've used quotes, any sent text (inside the quotes) is
seen (at least in my viewed replies back) as having been omitted or deleted.
I suspect the recipients also are experiencing these added and omitted
characters, so does anyone know if this an unresolved bug somewhere, or can
it simply be resolved with proper e-mail configuration in the sender or
receiver's e-mail settings?
Maybe all this's nothing more than a minor compatabilty issue, but I'd sure
appreciate the shared expertise to resolve this.
Note, I prefer to see hyperlinks and html in my received/opened e-mails,
plus I
frequently send inserted pics and wav's in my e-mails, and I'd prefer to not
those niceities.
Thanks for afforded replies.
html). Problem is I'm seeing (in my replies back for those using Unicode
UTF-8) either a "\" just ahead of the apostrophy or strangely other replies
back (again in UTS-8) inappropriately have inserted characters of "'" in lieu
of the apostrophes.
Also very odd that (other than it depends on who's e-mails I'm receiving)
that one e-mail reply deletes/omits the apostrophies, displays the inserted
"'" characters and other e-mails preceeds apostrophies with "\".
Again, I'm seeing the replies back (those displaying my initialy sent e-mail
text) where I've used quotes, any sent text (inside the quotes) is
seen (at least in my viewed replies back) as having been omitted or deleted.
I suspect the recipients also are experiencing these added and omitted
characters, so does anyone know if this an unresolved bug somewhere, or can
it simply be resolved with proper e-mail configuration in the sender or
receiver's e-mail settings?
Maybe all this's nothing more than a minor compatabilty issue, but I'd sure
appreciate the shared expertise to resolve this.
Note, I prefer to see hyperlinks and html in my received/opened e-mails,
plus I
frequently send inserted pics and wav's in my e-mails, and I'd prefer to not
those niceities.
Thanks for afforded replies.