OE2003 download error



I am having a problem that I am in need of help with. first, here's the

Mixed OS and Outlook version environment, mostly windows 2000 pro,
some XP pro boxes
about 17 Outlook 2000 and 2002 machines, 5 Outlook 2003 boxes.
Domain environment, four win 2000 AS servers, one NT 4.0
We are running and exchange server, but this will be shutdown due
to outsourcing email to another company

here's the problem. all email clients are setup with an exchange and a
POP3 email account. all of the Outlook 2000 and OE 2002 boxes work
perfect, our problem is with Outlook 2003.
all of the clients are set to auto check for messages every 5 minutes,
and it seems to work, we receive and we send messages throughout the
day, and all seems well. that is, untill you manually click on send and
receive, and it downloads up to 267 messages up to two weeks old! (yes
we've had that exact scenario happen). to make it more complecated, all
of the clients are the same version, same build (installed off the same
disc even, with their seperate keys), but mine and one other never have
the problem, two always have the problem, and one sometimes has it!!

any ideas?

Brian Tillman

here's the problem. all email clients are setup with an exchange and a
POP3 email account. all of the Outlook 2000 and OE 2002 boxes work
perfect, our problem is with Outlook 2003.
all of the clients are set to auto check for messages every 5 minutes,

That can be too short. Try lengthening to eight or ten minutes.
and it seems to work, we receive and we send messages throughout the
day, and all seems well. that is, untill you manually click on send
and receive, and it downloads up to 267 messages up to two weeks old!

Are those messages actually on the mail server? Is the option to leave
messages on the server enabled? Have you applied Office SP2?

BVFN Admin

yes, they are on the server. The company we use for email service
provides us a web interface (but works like a mail client, not actually
the server) and the emails are accesible there. I'm in the process of
updating to SP2, and not sure if this will solve the problem or not,
the users need to use their outlook for a little while before we know
for sure. and no, the setting to leave on the server is not enabled, as
we receive far too many attachments a day and we would fill up our
boxes three or four times a day

Brian Tillman

BVFN Admin said:
yes, they are on the server. The company we use for email service
provides us a web interface (but works like a mail client, not
actually the server) and the emails are accesible there. I'm in the
process of updating to SP2, and not sure if this will solve the
problem or not, the users need to use their outlook for a little
while before we know for sure. and no, the setting to leave on the
server is not enabled, as we receive far too many attachments a day
and we would fill up our boxes three or four times a day

If you do not have the option enabled to leave the messages on the server
and they are being left there anyway, then your ISP is at fault and you
should complain. They are not being POP standard compliant.

BVFN Admin

ok... i don't think any of the hundred peoplee i've explained this to
really understand the issue... maybe it's better with an example....

(e-mail address removed) emails me three messages, email1, email2, and email3. i
have outlook set to autodownload every 5 minutes, and it downloads
email1 and email3, but i NEVER see email2.

a week later (e-mail address removed) references email2, and so i go to tools >
send and receive > XDomain only > inbox, and email2 proceeds to

what just happend?

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