OE express

  • Thread starter Thread starter memoofran
  • Start date Start date


cannot send out email..I do receive mail. err msg.
says comcast is rejecting my username even though I can sign in?
cannot send out email..I do receive mail. err msg.
says comcast is rejecting my username even though I can sign in?

You undoubtedly have your smtp server set up wrong in Outlook Express.
Contact Comcast for help in correcting it.
memoofran said:
cannot send out email..I do receive mail. err msg.
says comcast is rejecting my username even though I can sign in?

Please post the error message in its entirety. You can left click on it to
highlight and then right click to copy and then paste it into this thread.
memoofran said:
cannot send out email..I do receive mail. err msg.
says comcast is rejecting my username even though I can sign in?

Start here:


or here:


Regarding error or status messages:
- Do NOT omit the message.
- Do NOT describe the message.
- Do NOT summarize the message.
- Do NOT paraphrase the message.
- Do NOT truncate the message.
- Do show the ENTIRE message (but munge or star out personal info,
like your username in an e-mail address but not the domain).