Windows XP OE 6 sending problem

Sep 8, 2005
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All of a sudden,I can no longer send my email, but can receive them. I have a backup system upstairs which is also experiencing the same problem. I am getting this error code: 0x800ccc0e. I have no problem connecting on Comcast. Thanks Papat
Checked with Comcast, and she had me change the port setting from 25 to 587, but that didn't work. She also posted instructions how to check that port to see if it is blocked, and it seems to be? I've Googled info but can't seem to come up with an answer. I have never had this problem before, but could the port be blocked somehow? I'm not sure how all this works. Thanks Papat
papat said:
Checked with Comcast, and she had me change the port setting from 25 to 587, but that didn't work. She also posted instructions how to check that port to see if it is blocked, and it seems to be? I've Googled info but can't seem to come up with an answer. I have never had this problem before, but could the port be blocked somehow? I'm not sure how all this works. Thanks Papat

This thread is a bit old, but just thought I'd share. It appears that Comcast has begun to block off standard port 25 maybe as you suspected. They might be using 26 as their standard port instead of 587 and the rep you talked too doesn't know the difference. Anyways, it could even be a new router or firewall software you installed and sometimes specific virus protection or email scanning software will do it to you. Their are tons of step by steps out there for this particular error. It's very simple to resolve if you follow the process through and troubleshoot it properly.

Below is a list of a couple of tutorial like sites for this error. I would also suggest searching this forum for Outlook Error 0x800CCC0E. I noticed a few threads came up and some provide some things you can go over. I am almost 100% that this error can be resolved on your end. If your still having trouble after using the resources provided, feel free to send me a PM or email me angela.chelson-]at[ Replace -]at[- with a '@' symbol of course. Good Luck.

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