Sometimes, when it has been running for a while, my PC makes a strange
Boing! noise like a bed spring. Once it starts doing that, the noises get
more and more frequent from one every 10 minutes till nearly every minute,
until I switch the PC off. I thought it might be a jokey virus of some sort
but AVG, Spybot and Adaware come up blank. I can't see any processes running
in Task Manager that account for it. Has anyone come across this themselves.
(No, please, not the jokes. I've already thought of them!)
Boing! noise like a bed spring. Once it starts doing that, the noises get
more and more frequent from one every 10 minutes till nearly every minute,
until I switch the PC off. I thought it might be a jokey virus of some sort
but AVG, Spybot and Adaware come up blank. I can't see any processes running
in Task Manager that account for it. Has anyone come across this themselves.
(No, please, not the jokes. I've already thought of them!)