I've got a W2K machine that can get an IP from our DHCP server just fine.
After taking an IP, DNS works fine (resolves www.yahoo.com to
But I can't ping anything. Not the DNS server, DHCP server, internet,
intranet, etc.
Obviously then no internet, email, ICS, etc. I can release/renew just fine.
dnsflush doesn't work. Also unistalled TCP/IP, then removed Winsock from the
registry, then reinstalled TCP/IP and still nothing. I'd like to try other
things before I reinstall OS. Ideas? Thanks much!
After taking an IP, DNS works fine (resolves www.yahoo.com to
But I can't ping anything. Not the DNS server, DHCP server, internet,
intranet, etc.
Obviously then no internet, email, ICS, etc. I can release/renew just fine.
dnsflush doesn't work. Also unistalled TCP/IP, then removed Winsock from the
registry, then reinstalled TCP/IP and still nothing. I'd like to try other
things before I reinstall OS. Ideas? Thanks much!