namespace Final
using namespace System;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
using namespace System:
using namespace System:
static Splash * frm = new Splash();
static PictureBox * arrBoard[,] = new PictureBox * [10, 10];
static Threading::Thread * FillThread = new Threading::Thread(new
ThreadStart(0, &Form1::Fill));
private: System::Void Form1_Load(System::Object * sender,
* e)
private: System::Void Fill()
arrBoard[0,0] = this->pica0;
arrBoard[0,1] = this->pica1;
arrBoard[0,2] = this->pica2;
arrBoard[0,3] = this->pica3;
arrBoard[0,4] = this->pica4;
arrBoard[0,5] = this->pica5;
arrBoard[0,6] = this->pica6;
arrBoard[0,7] = this->pica7;
arrBoard[0,8] = this->pica8;
arrBoard[0,9] = this->pica9;
arrBoard[1,0] = this->picb0;
arrBoard[1,1] = this->picb1;
arrBoard[1,2] = this->picb2;
arrBoard[1,3] = this->picb3;
arrBoard[1,4] = this->picb4;
arrBoard[1,5] = this->picb5;
arrBoard[1,6] = this->picb6;
arrBoard[1,7] = this->picb7;
arrBoard[1,8] = this->picb8;
arrBoard[1,9] = this->picb9;
arrBoard[2,0] = this->picc0;
arrBoard[2,1] = this->picc1;
arrBoard[2,2] = this->picc2;
arrBoard[2,3] = this->picc3;
arrBoard[2,4] = this->picc4;
arrBoard[2,5] = this->picc5;
arrBoard[2,6] = this->picc6;
arrBoard[2,7] = this->picc7;
arrBoard[2,8] = this->picc8;
arrBoard[2,9] = this->picc9;
arrBoard[3,0] = this->picd0;
arrBoard[3,1] = this->picd1;
arrBoard[3,2] = this->picd2;
arrBoard[3,3] = this->picd3;
arrBoard[3,4] = this->picd4;
arrBoard[3,5] = this->picd5;
arrBoard[3,6] = this->picd6;
arrBoard[3,7] = this->picd7;
arrBoard[3,8] = this->picd8;
arrBoard[3,9] = this->picd9;
arrBoard[3,0] = this->pice0;
arrBoard[4,1] = this->pice1;
arrBoard[4,2] = this->pice2;
arrBoard[4,3] = this->pice3;
arrBoard[4,4] = this->pice4;
arrBoard[4,5] = this->pice5;
arrBoard[4,6] = this->pice6;
arrBoard[4,7] = this->pice7;
arrBoard[4,8] = this->pice8;
arrBoard[4,9] = this->pice9;
arrBoard[5,0] = this->picf0;
arrBoard[5,1] = this->picf1;
arrBoard[5,2] = this->picf2;
arrBoard[5,3] = this->picf3;
arrBoard[5,4] = this->picf4;
arrBoard[5,5] = this->picf5;
arrBoard[5,6] = this->picf6;
arrBoard[5,7] = this->picf7;
arrBoard[5,8] = this->picf8;
arrBoard[5,9] = this->picf9;
arrBoard[6,0] = this->picg0;
arrBoard[6,1] = this->picg1;
arrBoard[6,2] = this->picg2;
arrBoard[6,3] = this->picg3;
arrBoard[6,4] = this->picg4;
arrBoard[6,5] = this->picg5;
arrBoard[6,6] = this->picg6;
arrBoard[6,7] = this->picg7;
arrBoard[6,8] = this->picg8;
arrBoard[6,9] = this->picg9;
arrBoard[7,0] = this->pich0;
arrBoard[7,1] = this->pich1;
arrBoard[7,2] = this->pich2;
arrBoard[7,3] = this->pich3;
arrBoard[7,4] = this->pich4;
arrBoard[7,5] = this->pich5;
arrBoard[7,6] = this->pich6;
arrBoard[7,7] = this->pich7;
arrBoard[7,8] = this->pich8;
arrBoard[7,9] = this->pich9;
arrBoard[8,0] = this->pici0;
arrBoard[8,1] = this->pici1;
arrBoard[8,2] = this->pici2;
arrBoard[8,3] = this->pici3;
arrBoard[8,4] = this->pici4;
arrBoard[8,5] = this->pici5;
arrBoard[8,6] = this->pici6;
arrBoard[8,7] = this->pici7;
arrBoard[8,8] = this->pici8;
arrBoard[8,9] = this->pici9;
arrBoard[9,0] = this->picj0;
arrBoard[9,1] = this->picj1;
arrBoard[9,2] = this->picj2;
arrBoard[9,3] = this->picj3;
arrBoard[9,4] = this->picj4;
arrBoard[9,5] = this->picj5;
arrBoard[9,6] = this->picj6;
arrBoard[9,7] = this->picj7;
arrBoard[9,8] = this->picj8;
arrBoard[9,9] = this->picj9;
catch (Exception * ex)
thats my entire form1 code, with the windows code taken out because its
picturebox names, nothing thatw ould interfere with a second form. i dont
understand becuase when i use the namespace of the project, Final, in the
declaration it says the form doesnt exist under it even though its there
the intelisense....ex:
static Final::Splash * frm = new Final::Splash();
throws that buildtime error even though its in intelisense