When I try go to my bank web it stall out and never load the page about 95% of the time same with some other web site.
Tryed clearing the Temp Internet files but it will load one time but after cloase IE an re-starting IE going back there it stall out
the same thing happing to other web site as well but not all site.
But if I was to change "Check for newer versions of stoerd pages" from Automatically to Never it sem to be work not a lot unlike
Latest ver of IE 6.0 sp1 is install and all the latest patch this is Windows 2000 system.
Tryed clearing the Temp Internet files but it will load one time but after cloase IE an re-starting IE going back there it stall out
the same thing happing to other web site as well but not all site.
But if I was to change "Check for newer versions of stoerd pages" from Automatically to Never it sem to be work not a lot unlike
Latest ver of IE 6.0 sp1 is install and all the latest patch this is Windows 2000 system.