I'm trying to setup linked tables through ODBC connection to an Oracle
I'm having some difficulty connecting as it simply hangs, and I have
to shut down access.
I figure it must be a problem with DNS because I was able to make it
work when I had Access 2003 and now with 2007 it fails.
I checked my tnsnames entry and used the correct server name,
username, and password under: start/settings/control panel/
administrative tools/Data Sources(ODBC)/File DSN(tab), but in the same
place under the "System DSN" tab I'm not sure what to put.
I tried to add a Microsoft ODBC for Oracle data source, but what is
the "Data Source Name", and "Description". I see those entries in my
tnsnames entry for that particular database, but it is in the format:
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = bob.bobbing.com)(PORT =
(SERVICE_NAME = ouu1.onstar.gm.com)
Any Ideas on what to do from here?
I'm having some difficulty connecting as it simply hangs, and I have
to shut down access.
I figure it must be a problem with DNS because I was able to make it
work when I had Access 2003 and now with 2007 it fails.
I checked my tnsnames entry and used the correct server name,
username, and password under: start/settings/control panel/
administrative tools/Data Sources(ODBC)/File DSN(tab), but in the same
place under the "System DSN" tab I'm not sure what to put.
I tried to add a Microsoft ODBC for Oracle data source, but what is
the "Data Source Name", and "Description". I see those entries in my
tnsnames entry for that particular database, but it is in the format:
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = bob.bobbing.com)(PORT =
(SERVICE_NAME = ouu1.onstar.gm.com)
Any Ideas on what to do from here?