ODBC setup

  • Thread starter Thread starter klobes01
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I'm trying to setup linked tables through ODBC connection to an Oracle

I'm having some difficulty connecting as it simply hangs, and I have
to shut down access.

I figure it must be a problem with DNS because I was able to make it
work when I had Access 2003 and now with 2007 it fails.

I checked my tnsnames entry and used the correct server name,
username, and password under: start/settings/control panel/
administrative tools/Data Sources(ODBC)/File DSN(tab), but in the same
place under the "System DSN" tab I'm not sure what to put.

I tried to add a Microsoft ODBC for Oracle data source, but what is
the "Data Source Name", and "Description". I see those entries in my
tnsnames entry for that particular database, but it is in the format:

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = bob.bobbing.com)(PORT =
(SERVICE_NAME = ouu1.onstar.gm.com)

Any Ideas on what to do from here?

Any Ideas on what to do from here?
Ask your DBA... setting up a DSN correctly for Oracle is not that easy
if you don't know the system.

--> stefan <--

Data Source Name is how you want to identify it. So you might want to
use OUO_ODBC for that so that it is clear that you getting to OUO by way of
ODBC. Description is again, whatever you want to use to describe it. It can
be blank. Finally, use OUO for your TNS Service Name.

Clifford Bass