I need help!
On 3 PCs, with Access 2003 I've the same problem..
importing from an odbc sorce, I obtain this error: "Invalid Argument.."
If I open a DB with some linked tables and I go in the "linked tables
manager" to reconnect them I don't see nothing!! I've a blank box!
I've just upgraded all with lastest patch (jet too)... but I don't know
other solution
on 2 of the 3 PCs i've Access 97 too, and it work properly...
There isn't a size problem, I obtain this error importing a table with 10
records!!! (If I import this table with Access97 the db size increase to
3.65Mg only..).
And I have the problem using an old DB but using a NEW empty db too!!
some ideas????
On 3 PCs, with Access 2003 I've the same problem..
importing from an odbc sorce, I obtain this error: "Invalid Argument.."
If I open a DB with some linked tables and I go in the "linked tables
manager" to reconnect them I don't see nothing!! I've a blank box!
I've just upgraded all with lastest patch (jet too)... but I don't know
other solution

on 2 of the 3 PCs i've Access 97 too, and it work properly...
There isn't a size problem, I obtain this error importing a table with 10
records!!! (If I import this table with Access97 the db size increase to
3.65Mg only..).
And I have the problem using an old DB but using a NEW empty db too!!
some ideas????