OC'ing for Chickens!

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Asus a7v333r
amd 2400 at 2173Mghz
kingston hyperx 333-512meg
I went into bios and set everything to manual
set fsb to 166
multiplier to 13x(lowest available)
core voltage 1.7
memory and cpu 1 to 1
temp 50C under load w/ crappy 2500rpm fan
seems stable
any hints!??????????
I did back down from turbo with memory!
BoB said:
Asus a7v333r
amd 2400 at 2173Mghz
kingston hyperx 333-512meg
I went into bios and set everything to manual
set fsb to 166
multiplier to 13x(lowest available)
core voltage 1.7
memory and cpu 1 to 1
temp 50C under load w/ crappy 2500rpm fan
seems stable
any hints!??????????
I did back down from turbo with memory!
Crashed online after 15 minutes, backed down vcore!
Crashed online after 15 minutes, backed down vcore!

If you are OCing and it crashes, it's either...
The CPU got too Hot, (need better case/cpu cooling)
VCore was too low for MHz push.
CPU just can't run at set speed.

Heat kills, voltage just forces the issue. ;p

BoB said:
Asus a7v333r
amd 2400 at 2173Mghz
kingston hyperx 333-512meg
I went into bios and set everything to manual
set fsb to 166
multiplier to 13x(lowest available)
core voltage 1.7
memory and cpu 1 to 1
temp 50C under load w/ crappy 2500rpm fan
seems stable
any hints!??????????
I did back down from turbo with memory!

Suspect it might be cooling have you tried it with the side off and maybe
blowing it with a house fan to see if it runs stable.

I run my a7v333 at 14x167 @ 1.85v vcore, so maybe your problem was not
enough vcore (and not enough cooling). I also have problems running with
turbo setting for memory and do not have it set to that, I have manual
settings of 2.5, 2, 2, 5 for my pc2700 which seems to work fine.
I have a cheapish hsf (coolermaster HAV-V81) that seems to do the job - but
I keep a close eye on the temperatues. Do you have any case fans for

If you get your temperatures sorted out, do you know there is an
undocumented jumper that increases the vcore range to 2.05v - 2.25v - handy
for some serious overclocking.
Hippy Paul said:
Suspect it might be cooling have you tried it with the side off and maybe
blowing it with a house fan to see if it runs stable.

I run my a7v333 at 14x167 @ 1.85v vcore, so maybe your problem was not
enough vcore (and not enough cooling).

Tried those settings with case side off, and room cool and fan blowing on
cpu cooler, no luck, temp after lock was high 50's in bios!
Tried the 13x again, took longer to lockup! Bad cpu, luck of the draw,
vbg! Stable at stock settings, my memory is great in turbo.

If you get your temperatures sorted out, do you know there is an
undocumented jumper that increases the vcore range to 2.05v - 2.25v - handy
for some serious overclocking.

BoB said:
Asus a7v333r
amd 2400 at 2173Mghz
kingston hyperx 333-512meg
I went into bios and set everything to manual
set fsb to 166
multiplier to 13x(lowest available)
core voltage 1.7
memory and cpu 1 to 1
temp 50C under load w/ crappy 2500rpm fan
seems stable
any hints!??????????
I did back down from turbo with memory!

The one type of overclocking I have used with relatively good luck a
majority of the time is video card overclocking. I will bump the speed a bit
for a given game, and after I'm done running the game, I slow things back
down again. I've also had better luck with seeking small, incremental
performance gains when overclocking, instead of getting the huge gains that
I read online. It was always just so frustrating, after buying special
high-end CPU fans, and doing all this research, to have a system that didn't
meet expectations, even after inordinate amounts of tinkering.

I used to mess around with overclocking (back in the Celeron days), but in
recent years I've elected to just buy faster stuff and run it at the rated
speed. I don't have the time to mess around with troubleshooting the niggly
little weird problems that creep up when trying to eke a bit more
performance out of a given component. I wish you luck, and hope you have
plenty of time on your hands...
Tried those settings with case side off, and room cool and fan blowing on
cpu cooler, no luck, temp after lock was high 50's in bios!
Tried the 13x again, took longer to lockup! Bad cpu, luck of the draw,
vbg! Stable at stock settings, my memory is great in turbo.

2500rpm is rather poor for a cpu fan (assuming it is 80mm) the one on my hsf
is adjustable from a minimum of 3000rpm - to 5500rpm - sounds like you have
a cheap 80mm case fan on the cpu - or to use your own words "crappy". The
house fan suggests that it is not any of the other components overheating -
just perhaps the cpu under a crappy fan and heatsink

High 50Cs in the bios (assuming that is socket) after a crash is
outrageously high. Have you checked the seating of the hsf to make sure it
is on properly. My temps once hit 70C - when I got an eyelash stuck in the
compound between the heatsink and cpu. Perhaps if you tried a better fan
and/or hsf you might get better cooling - no need to go mad, there are some
reasonable hsf at the circa £10 mark. Suggest a copper based/insert one at
least. Doing somethings like running games I have to up the fan speed to
maximim (and turn up the game volume) otherwise I can get a crash on some

But as you state it may be the cpu - but I find if I give the cpu enough
vcore it will go a lot faster - BTW it is the jumper above the hsf that has
'overvault' written by it - used in conjunction with the overvault
protection jumper mentioned in the manual. The bios will throw an error if
vcore is at 2.05v - but you can tell it to ignore it or just press F1. But
I would try sorting cooling first before doing that - as temps do go up a
BoB said:
Asus a7v333r
amd 2400 at 2173Mghz
kingston hyperx 333-512meg
I went into bios and set everything to manual
set fsb to 166
multiplier to 13x(lowest available)
core voltage 1.7
memory and cpu 1 to 1
temp 50C under load w/ crappy 2500rpm fan
seems stable
any hints!??????????
I did back down from turbo with memory!

Unless you do something insane like double your voltage, overclocking is
pretty safe. The worst that can happen is that it won't work, and you can go
back to default or overclock lower.

I've overclocked all of my systems since running a Am486 DX2/80 at 100 MHz
(2 x 50, which smoked 4x25 systems!)

Actually, I am not overclocking right now with my 3.0 GHz cuz I don't need
it yet, thanks to my weak video card and because, well, what do I run that
needs over 3 GHz? However I have tried it and it hits 3.75 GHz with no
problem! Ran it for two days like that.