OCD - Obcessive Compulsive Disorder and the Green progress bar




The windows explorer green progress bar has become a real big drag on my
system. I have the ultimate on destops and a laptop. I have been using the
laptop mostly and the folder exploring has alomost become a nightmare. The
laptop has enough power (2Hz Intel CPU and 2G memory) and I definetely don't
think that is an issue here.

Every clik on a folder triggers whatever is indicated by the progress bar.
It is almost like a search. If I were click on one immediately following by
another one and so on, the bar starts up all over again. I have turned off
indexing and I don't remember something else. It is like OCD, because
everytime vista seems to take slowest possible route to the destination.

I believe, this is a synchronization issue. All the modules (vista and the
oem program modules) still need to agree on priority etc. With more processor
cores and memory the problem could become unneccesarily complicated and for
the worse.

Would love hear about possible solutions.


Howdy Brink,

Thanks for the info. I remember looking it up long time ago. Will check it
out again. I wonder how a "normal" user deals with such issues.

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